Wessex Cleaning Equipment





We're transforming our approach to sustainability and empowering our customers to join the journey. Part of our environmental commitment is to closely monitor our operations and product impact on the environment to build robust and measurable strategies for reduction.





We're Renewably Powered

We understand our operations output and have taken measurable and controllable steps to reduce our consumption for the past twelve months. As we work towards becoming climate positive, we've partnered with ENGIE to take immediate steps to source all of our power (Gas and Electricity) from 100% UK renewable sources.

sustainability 2 - Energy reduction

Energy Reduction Strategy

We have a robust framework and strategy for ensuring our energy consumption is reduced annually all the way down to carbon neutrality. We are aiming to reduce our consumption by 20% annually. We work closely with PlanetMark to monitor our emissions and develop measurable and accountable objectives for reducing our Co2 output.

sustainability 3 - SUP

Reducing Single-Use Plastics

We view Single Use Plastics (SuPs) as one of the single most significant threats to local environments across the UK, not only by polluting habitats and never biodegrading but also by the threat they have on wildlife and aquatic animals. We are doing everything reasonably possible to reduce SuPs in our supply chain by working closely with our supply partners and reusing biodegradable/better-for-the-environment materials where possible.

Sustainability 4 - Paper Free

We're Paper-Free!

Deforestation plays a significant part in global climates. We're proud to be paper-free and encourage our partners and customers to do the same. We use the latest digital-first systems and processes to eliminate the use and need for paper within our business. There is no need to request paper copies of anything with us as all documentation is available to download in your Portal.

sustainability 5 - recycled

We Recycle Cardboard Packaging Where Possible

You will see this when you place an order with us. The recycled boxes that we use are re-used several times before they become unfit for packaging, where they are then recycled. We also reuse all of our supplier's packaging and boxes for your orders to save waste. Don't be alarmed if you see Selden products in a Prochem box.

sustainability 6 - hybrid Tech

Investing In Hybrid Technologies For Our Deliveries

The biggest controllable impact that we have on climate is the fuel used in our delivery vehicles. This equates to over 45% of our Scope 1 emissions. While we invest heavily in the latest fuel-efficient Mercedes Benz vehicles, more needs to be done, so our vehicles are software engineered to produce 15% less Co2 than factory models. We're also investing in hybrid and full-electric vehicles. These now equate to over 10% of our fleet.

sustainability 7 - YLVC

Supporting Those Who Need Us The Most

We're proud to be supporting Young lives vs Cancer who play such an important role in our community and hospitals by helping children, young people, and their families cope with Cancer. Every day 12 more children and young people hear the devastating news they have cancer and need support.

You can donate here, or by checking out.


We currently hold [remaining-stock] units of this item in stock. The remainder will be put on back order until we can ship your order in full. Unless you have a credit account with us, and we have an agreement in place with you to part-ship.
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You must order at least [min-order-qty] of this product. We currently hold [remaining-stock] in stock. The remainder will be put on back order.