Uvex Unipur Gloves - Medium - 10012014

  • SKU: W23479

  • From: £3.74 ex. VAT £4.49 inc. VAT

  • Stock Level: 29

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£3.74 ex. VAT £4.49 inc. VAT

CO2e footprint: 0.26720 Kg

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Product Details

The Uvex Unilite 7700 is a durable knitted safety glove with Nitrile/PU foam coating. Optimum fit ensures even small parts can be handled with precision.Seamless ultra soft and flexible 15 gauge nylon liner effortlessly stretches to the hand shape and movements. Wet and oil protection with high grip characteristics. Breathable but with high resistance to liquid penetration.Palm coated with open back design for excellent breathability and airflow.
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