Evolon Cloths, Yellow - Pack of 10 - 126543

  • SKU: W17132

  • From: £12.21 ex. VAT £14.65 inc. VAT

  • Stock Level: 12

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£12.21 ex. VAT £14.65 inc. VAT

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Product Details

Traditional microfibre cloths are comprised of fibres with a fibre thickness of less than 1 dtex (1g/10,000m) or 1 Denier (1g/9,000m).The fineness of these fibres create the following advantages: • Capillary Action, increases suction effect of the cloth• Larger surface area, more contact with the surface being cleaned• One wipe cleaning, small pores re-release only small amounts of water ensuring streak free cleaning.• Reductions in chemical usage due in increased cleaning performance
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